How to Test the Network Speed Between Two Computers?

Test speed between two computer windows is the important factor. You can find and fix this issue after reading this article. This blog post will teach you how to test and fix the network speed between two computers. You will also learn some surprising and interesting facts that will surprise you.

Different methods and tools are available for testing the network speed between two computers. However, three tools are more reliable for testing speed. Here are explained below:

  • Use the iPerf tool:

Iperf is the mostly usable tool to measure the bandwidth among the two devices in one network

  • Use Ping:

It helps to calculate the delay time between two computers. This allows you to test the network speed between two systems.

  • Use the Shared File Transfer Method:

This method is for those who want more accuracy and less technical process. Everyone can test network speed by sending files of different sizes and noting the speed. 

Testing Network Speed Between Two Computers Linux

There are many methods to check the network speed between two Linux computer systems. Here, you will learn easy and reliable methods to check the network speed.

  1. Use the iPerf
  2. Install and run the iPerf on both systems.
  3. Run iPerf in client mode.
  4. Now, you can check the result.

Pro Tip:

You should always choose the best computer network so that your system remains optimized.

Test Speed Between Two Computers Powershell

The PowerShell can be affected when it puts much load on the system. Different methods are used for the testing, but we are using an easy and concise method. Follow this method:

  1.  Install and activate iPerf on both machines.
  2. Run iPerf in server mode on one computer.
  3. Run iPerf in client mode on the other device.
  4. View the result.

Test Network Speed Between Two Computers Mac

There are multiple methods to test the network speed between two macOS computers. You can use the iPerf tool, but we are using another method.

  1. Open Network Utility from your system /System/Library/core services/Applications/Network Utility. App.
  2. You can execute a Ping test by putting the IP address of the other Mac under the Ping tab.
  3. This gives an essential gesture of connectivity between two Macs.

Ubuntu Test Network Speed Between Two Computers

Ubuntu tests network speed between two computers, which becomes compulsory when your system is slow. It is an easy test and can be done in 3 steps:

You can use a secure copy to test network speed by sharing a large file between the two computers.

  1. Create an extensive file on the client computer.
  2. Use a secure copy to share the file with the server.
  3. Check the transfer speed.

Test LAN Speed Between Two Computers

This test is the same as the other. This method is easy and more reliable, and it allows you to perform it in a few steps. We are using Netcat (NC) for the LAN Speed Test.

  1. Install and activate netcat
  2. Start a Listener on Computer A
  3. Send Data from Computer B
  4. Check the results and repeat this test for more accuracy.
Test LAN Speed Between Two Computers


Many methods and tools are available to check the network speed between the two machines. A computer network architect always focus on the needs of the company. You should always choose the best operating system which fulfill your need. The most usable and reliable tools are iPerf, command prompt (cmd), netcat, ping, traceroute, etc. You should always choose one that suits your system. By selecting the right tool, you can measure the network performance and fix connectivity issues. When you make the best network strategies then your network remains functional.

FAQs About to Test Network Speed Between Two Computers

In this section, you will learn about the frequently asked questions related to how to test network speed between two computers. You can also ask any question in the comment box.

How do You Test Network Speed Between Two Servers?

Different methods and tools measure the network speed among 2 servers. Here are given below:

  1. Ping:
  2. Traceroute
  3. Netcat – Bandwidth Testing

How do you test network speed in CMD?

To test network speed in Windows cmd is easy. You can follow this method and get 100% reliable results:

=> Press the command wmic nic where netEnabled=true to get a name. Your system Ethernet and Wi-Fi adapters will show the current speed.

How to Test Network Speed Between Two Computers Windows 10?

Follow this method:

  1. Open a command prompt.
  2. Write in the command section: “telnet IP_of_Target_Computer PORT.” Then press the ‘enter’ button.
  3. If a cleared screen shows, the port is open, and the test is successful.
  4. If you receive a connecting… or an error message, something is blocking that port.

How to Test Network Speed Between Two Computers online and for free?

If you want to check the network speed online and for free, then follow this method:

  1. Use a reliable website-based speed testing tool.
  2. Visit this testing speed website on both computers.
  3. Run this test on the tool.
  4. Check the result and rerun this test for verification.

How to Test Network Speed Between Two Computers Windows 7?

Obey this method:

  1. Click on the control panel
  2. Click on the device manager
  3. Click on network adapters
  4. Right-click on the network card and select Properties.
  5. Click on the advanced tab and select the link speed & duplex.
  6. Now, you can see the system’s speed in Windows 7.
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